The artist series bottles were born out of a collaboration with our designer Aaron SCamihorn AKA “RONLEWHORN”
Two years ago, 8th Day partnered with Aaron to hand-pick a mash bill to distill this Rye Whiskey. Built out at 51% RYE • 44% CORN • 5% BARLEY, this blend will surely please the palette with spicy, notes and a sweet foundation. Blended from two different barrels and bottled at cask strength, this rye is packaged in limited-edition, wax-dipped, black bottles featuring the artwork of, and signed and numbered by, Aaron and 9 of his artist friends locally and from around the world: Byron Elliott, D. Jeffrey, Dane Smith, Dan Thompson, Emir Ayouni, James Dies, Jeffery Everett, Joel Herrera, & Mallory Hodgkin.